Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Amazing Experience

Pamela's, my lovely shop in Jordan Village, was featured in a local fashion show, raising funds for local women's charities.  The host for the fashion show was the wonderful Lynn Spence (fashion expert from Cityline).  She is as amazing in person as she is on TV.   Lynn came to all the shops personally to choose the fashions that were featured, and when she was in Pamela's she saw my  nuno-felt coats.  She chose two to be toppers over outfits, and asked me if I had a light colour one for her to wear as she hosted the event!
I was honoured with the request, and brought the rose-grey (the one from my etsy site).  She wore it over a black dress, and you can see how great it looked on Lynn!
 Backstage in the prep area.
 Lynn with me backstage.  What a wonderful, inspiring lady.  Thank you Lynn.
The coat is still available on etsy if you would like a "famous" piece of nuno-felt wearable art!  (upper right corner of the blog).     Sorry this one is now SOLD!  Custom order one in YOUR favourite colours!

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