Wednesday, October 3, 2012

question - please help with an answer!

Hi readers....  I have had a few comments and emails about my patterns.  Just to get some new readers up to date... I started this blog to hold on to the patterns that I created for (mostly) my own personal knitting.  Some are gifts, but most are for me.  So, as you may notice, and possibly be upset by, the garments are mostly in the medium, size 10-ish range.
Now, many years later, the blog has grown to a larger audience, and I need to revisit my goal for the blog.  I find maybe it is NOT just for me and a handful of curious readers (what is Chris knitting next?).  Perhaps it is time to attempt to step up and write my patterns for a variety of sizes.
So to that end, I have added the opinion pole in the upper right.  Please add your 2cents worth, and make my decision easier.  It is much more work , and much more MATH, to do multi-sizes, but if there is enough interest I would try to go in that direction.  The pole closes in one week.
Thanks for you input!  Cheers, Chris


  1. Hi Chris

    Just spent over one hour looking at all your wonderful patterns. Yes I agree if you can make the patterns for a Large size that would be great.

  2. Thanks Linda, the majority have spoken, and you will notice that my newest sweater (pulsing cables) has three sizes!!! thanks for the input!
