I just got back from a week away, we did Key West and Doral (Miami).
What a lovely break from the cold wet wind up here, and we enjoyed the hot, humid sunshine for 6 days.
I had never been to Key West before and did all the classic tourist things...
Watched the sunset over the Gulf...
and had a photo with the southernmost point marker....
We ate great food and wandered downtown....
and we played golf at the (only) golf course!....
All fun and laid back and a bit of cool, trendy, hippy casual lifestyle.
Then we tekked up to Miami and checked into the Doral Resort. Well this place was lush....
I read my book by the pool while Rick watched the planes fly by (really low) every minute and a half!
While I was leaving the driving range one day, I saw a lady with clubs that seemed to have Wood Hoods on them... they were royal blue with black socks. If you were golfing April 27, 2011 at Doral and have those wood hoods I would love to hear from you! I wished I stopped then, but we were running to our tee time and I just spotted them as we were driving off! I never expected to see one of my patterns out in the real world in their natural habitat! What fun!
When we returned I had the pleasure of attending a wedding, the son of one of my knitting posse! It was on April 29, and was the "other" royal wedding held that day (my friend's son booked his FIRST!).
Here is a photo of most of the posse (a few absent that night), in our finest! We do clean up good.... :)