Yarn: Colinette Chrysalis, 7 skeins for roomy medium fit. (40 inch chest.)
Needles: 8mm (US11)
Gauge: 7 sts = 4inches in pattern stitch, after blocking.
Gauge: 7 sts = 4inches in pattern stitch, after blocking.
Pattern Stitch: Row 1: K3, [P3, K3] repeat brackets to end of row.
Row 2: Purl all stitches.
Repeat row 1 and 2 for the body pattern.
Back: Cast on 39 sts.
Work K1, P1 ribbing for 5 rows. Increase 3 sts evenly over the next row. Change to pattern stitch. Work even in pattern for 21 inches. Cast off all stitches.
Front: work the same as back until 19 inches. Cast off all stitches.
Saddle Shoulders: Cast on 9 stitches: work in pattern (K3, P3, K3 right side- purl wrong side) for 6 inches, then for right shoulder with WRONG SIDE FACING, cast off 3 sts at beginning of row, work rest of row and next in pattern. Cast off 3 at start of next row, work rest of row and next in pattern, then cast off last 3.
For left shoulder after 6 inches, and RIGHT SIDE FACING, cast off 3 sts a beginning of row, work rest of row and next row in pattern. Cast off 3 at start of next row, work rest of row and next in pattern, then cast off last 3.
Sew these shoulder panels into place between back and front pieces, without stretching too much. I find this extra sewing keeps the shoulders from stretching too much especially with this type of bulky heavy cotton.
Sleeves: Cast on 17 sts. Work in K1,P1 ribbing for 7 rows, and increase 3 sts across last row of ribbing.
Change to pattern stitch and work sleeve, increasing 1 stitch at each side every 4th row until 42 stitches are on needles. Work the new stitches into the stitch pattern as the sleeve grows. Continue until sleeve is 17 inches long. Cast off all, and sew the sleeves to the side of the Front/Shoulder/Back before you sew the sleeve and side seams.
Neck: With Double point needles pick up 40 sts from around neck, and knit around the neckline in K1,P1 ribbing for 4 rows. Cast off all.

Hi, I am totally amazed at your energy. You knit, re-do whole houses, go away, golf, evidently work out and work a full time job ??????? tell me your secret, 'please....I am in such a slump. I am so sick of winter. I did finally make your golf club cover, and it came out great. It taught me how to knit on 4 needles. I sent you an e-mail about something and you e-mailed me back and said it was a delightful email to receive...that was nice, made my day....but now I am so sick and tired of winter in the Albany/Schenectady NY area and really want to know just where do you get your energy from? I really want to know....I want to be energetic, but it just gets up and goes away......
OK I am rambling. Going to try to recreate your latest sweater, but I have to tell you I am way, way bigger than a 40" chest....ha, ha, ha.
Take care, love your blogging,
Chris from Scotia (sub-burb of Schenectady, NY)
Hi Chris... I know I am energetic, have been all my life :) I think the key is finding something (or somethings) you LOVE to do, then the energy is easy. I have always juggled lots of things, and since the kids grew up and moved out, most of those things are all about what I LIKE TO DO! I also eat healthy stuff (too much fat and carbs slows me down) and I exercise (4 times a week at the YMCA) - surprising how that gives me MORE energy. Spring will likely kick your funk and get you bouncing again! Thanks again for the kind words, and keep knitting!
I don't usually knit sweaters, but this one looks sooooo cozy, it's on the 2do list. I'm not generally a fan of knitting with cotton, either, but this yarn looks great in the sweater. Does the yarn hold the garment's shape ok? Or will it stretch?
-- Nicole in Ottawa (where it's practically banana-growing weather today, too)
Whooops, forgot to say a big "thank you!" to you for the pattern!
I have worn it and washed it and worn it again and it is holding its shape really well. I hate when cottons droop to the knees! This yarn is really nice.
new to blog from Louisville, Ky. would love to use the Best Sock Pattern but the best i can do is get page 1. Is there another way??
Got some great yarn at Southern Indiana Fiber and Music Festival. any help is appreciated. Thanks
You can highlight and cut and paste the words to a WORD type program on your computer, then edit and print from there, or email me directly and I may be able to attach the words only to the email (no photos)
Hi...love the idea of a big baggy sweater. Could you tell me how to make it bigger than for a 40" chest. I'm a bit bigger and would like it looser.
Thanks much....Kat
If you want it bigger, add 3 stitches to the front and back pieces, and work the saddle extension about 1 inch longer. Any addition of 3 sts to the front and back adds about 3 inches to the overall size. You can make it a few rows longer too if you are tall.
Hope that helps and thanks for reading the blog (and comments!)
I love how Canadian you are! Just the mention of Rick Mercer and I'll be a faithfull follower of yours!
Rosemarie Buchanan, on Vancouver Island!
Would a worsted weight work for this sweater an if not what other kind of yarn can I use besides the chunky yarn
thanks nancy
Hi Nancy, a worsted weight would NOT knit to gauge. I know the colinette yarn specified is discontinued, but a lot of the colinette, and other brands are chunky weight. Other than that, you could experiment with 2 DK weight yarns held together and knit a swatch to see if you can match the gauge on 8mm or 7mm or 9mm needles. The sweater will not work if you do not match the gauge. Hope that helps.
Can you tell me how many yards this sweater takes. I can not find the recommended yarn and really want to try making my 1st sweater.
Hi Carol, 7 skeins of Chrysalis is about 1400 yards of chunky yarn. Test the gauge with a swatch to make sure it knits to gauge, then go for it! It is a fairly easy shaped pattern.
Confused about instructions: Cast on 39 sts. For ribbing, don't you need to work on EVEN number of stitches. On saddle shoulders, cast on 9 sts. Instructions say cast off 4 sts., then 3 sts, cast off last 3 sts. If you only have 9 sts. to begin with and cast off 7 (4+3) that only leaves you 2 sts., right?
oh dopey me... I fixed the numbers on the Saddle Bridge shoulder piece. Thanks for the math!
Since this yarn is discontinued, can you recommend another that will work well?
thank you!
You could look for a super BULKY yarn that knits to gauge... or maybe double up on a favourite worsted weight? Do a swath that is about 20 sts by 30 rows, and block and measure.
Unfortunately it is discontinued. I love this yarn. I still wear this sweater.
Hope that helps, chris
I just finished knitting this sweater having bungled the gauge trying to use a bulky rather than a super bulky. Evidently math is not my best subject but perseverance and much ripping back and off and finally using a knitting machine for the third iteration of the arms) yielded a sweater that is fun to wear and lusted after by all my friends who watched me knit it. I have no idea what the yarn is that I used (it came out of a box of balled yarn from about twenty years a go), but the color is very close to the Colinette Crysalis you used. Thanks for a fun project.
Hi the pattern looks interesting. I just dont kn how to PU neck w dbl pointed needles...is there another way to make neck band..or do i need a neck band??LOL....that pattern wd make a nice scarf too
What is weight in ozs of each ball of wool? Or grams or whatever. Im not the best knitter
As previously commented:....
7 skeins of Chrysalis is about 1400 yards of chunky yarn. Test the gauge with a swatch to make sure it knits to gauge, then go for it! It is a fairly easy shaped pattern.
This yarn is discontinued, so if anyone has found a great substitute, please add to the comments!
As far as picking up a neck band, it is something you should learn, to really master the finishing details. You could do it on a circular needle, if you leave one shoulder open, then seam it up after the neck band.
I'm making this colinette saddle shoulder sweater and so far I'm loving it. I do have a question - I just started the sleeves - pattern says to cast on 17 and then add 3 sts on last row totalling 20 stitches.
Then continue in pattern: The pattern is K3,P3,K3 (doing that two times is 18 stitches - 2 extra stitches) Am I doing something wrong?
I would appreciate an answer. Thanks so much for sharing this pattern.
Please answer me back at phxbettyjean@msn.com
Hi Betty,
You need to center the pattern, (start with P1, end with P1) but since you are adding new stitches as the sleeve grows, you need to add the new pattern to each side. It takes a bit of craftyness, but you should have the hang of the pattern by the sleeves. Alternately, you can put markers after the first stitch and before the last stitch, and do just the basic pattern between and treat all the outside stitches, including the adde dones as stocking stitch.
Hope that helps
I'm trying to use up some of my stash. I'm using Cascade Yarns Pacific Chunky. I had to combine it with some Lions Brand Heartland to get anywhere near gauge..Had to do some fancy math to get past my hips. Can't wait to see how this turns out. Love the pattern so far, very quick and pretty. Feels so soft and squishy.
Hey! I know this is a relatively late comment, but the Internet is timeless, right?
First of all, I want to tell people that I tried doubling up on worsted weight yarn, since I didn't have any chunky weight, and it did NOT work. Just a warning to everyone; 7 stitches in the pattern stitch was just under two stitches.
Anyway, I have a quick question about the pattern, as I am not a pro at this at all. Well, actually, I have two questions. One, do you think I would be better off buying chunky yarn, or keeping the yarn I have now, and just doubling the pattern size (i.e. casting on 78 stitches and going from there)? Honestly, I don't know which would work out better, and they say ask the experts when you're unsure. I don't really want to spend money on more yarn, but hey, if it works...
Question 2: I THINK I'm understanding this line in the pattern correctly, but I just want to make sure: "Increase 3 sts evenly over next row." I take it that that means I increase one stitch every 13 stitches, correct?
Any answers and help would be appreciated. I love this pattern, and I'm really excited for it. Thank you boundlessly. :D
Hi Kit. First, doubling the stitches in worsted weight will only work if your gauge is 14sts = 4 inches. If not don't do it. It's all about the gauge. Chunky yarn that knits to the right gauge is best here.
And increasing evenly across is fine the way you describe.
Glad you like pattern. Cheers. Chris
Would this work with Sirdar Flurry chunky yarn
Joan, I do not know. You would have to knit a gauge swatch, block it, then check the gauge. If the numbers are exact, then yes. Hope that helps, chris
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