New living room hardwood, and new area rug...

New hardwood in kitchen and cabinets refinished in mahogany stain and new nickel hardware and light fixtures. Runner in front of sink and DW.

Hardwood in Dining Room and new rug at computer station.

Hardwood in hallway upstairs....

New paint on cabinets and new aged bronze handles and faucet.

Floor tiles and step in front of tub are new.

Tiles continue up the side wall by cabinets and run over back splash of countertop.

Nice floor.

That's it for the reno for now, golf season begins in a couple of weeks and we will be working on our games again. Nice, eh?
'Scuze me whilst I writhe in jealousy....
Okay, better now. It looks GORGEOUS!!!
Hey MonkeyGurrrrl! How have you been, I've missed you! Thanks for the lovely comment. Chris
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