This is my go-to pattern, it fits every time. The raglan always fits shoulders, especially when combined with the springy ribby small cables. I have mastered the technique of making 4 stitch cables without the cable needle, by knitting in the back of the third and fourth stitch, then without pulling those off the right needle, flip it around to the front and knit in the first and second needle. Then, pull all four off the left needle.... MAGIC! But, for most non-insane-extreme knitters, it is a very simple 4 stitch cable, always the same, always on the 6 row repeat. Easy. The feature of this design is leaving 4 stitches intact at the edge of the raglan for each piece, and perform the decreases on the inside of this band. It creates an 8 stitch wide band when sewn together and really defines the raglan. (photo below)
Pink Cable Raglan Sweater
**knowledge of cable knitting is very helpful here**
Yarn: Grignasco Merino-Gold, 15 balls, 50gms, 125 m. (Or DK weights Merino that Knits To Gauge!)
Needles: 4.0 mm (US 6), and medium cable needle. (or size to get correct gauge)
Gauge: 28 sts and 36 rows = 4 Inches ***IN CABLE PATTERN*** Knit your swatch in the cable pattern, then wet and block without ironing or flattening** important as the cables will relax a bit***
Size: Medium (37 inch bust, but very stretchy to a bit bigger or smaller should work)
Cable Pattern: Row 1: P2 [K4, P2] repeat across to end. (swatch and sweater have stitches that are a multiple of 6 plus two more stitches… ie: 6 times 21 = 126 plus 2 = 128 for the main body.
Row 2, 4, and 6, : K2 [P4, K2] across.
Row 3: same as row 1
Row 5: P2 [Cable 4 left, P2] across. ** Cable 4 left= put 2 sts on cable needle, hold to front of work, knit 2 sts, then knit 2 sts from cable needle**
Back: Cast on 118 sts. Work in K2, P2 ribbing for 2.5 inches. On the last row increase 10 sts across (128 sts)
Begin Cable Pattern (above), and work until length is 15 inches.
Raglan shaping: cast off 8 stitches at start of next two rows, keeping cable pattern as established.
Decrease row: (right side) knit 4 (even if this is a cable row 5), Purl 2 together, work stitches as expected in the cable pattern until 6 stitches are left on the needle, Purl 2 together, knit 4.
Wrong side: knit and purl what you see on the needles.
Continue these two rows, decreasing on the right side. If there are not enough knit stitches to create a cable, just knit those. This happens inside the 4 edge sts as the raglan progresses.
Work until you have 36 sts left, and add a few rows if needed until 9 inches since the raglan cast off. Cast off all remaining sts.
Front: Work same as back until 4 inches below top neck of back. Neckline: Cast off center 26 sts, join 2nd ball and work both sides at the same time. Continue to decrease the raglan edges on the right side and at the same time , decrease one stitch at each neck edge every right side row 5 times. Work only until the length is ONE inch below the back length, and cast off the few sts left on each needle.
Sleeves: Right sleeve: Cast on 54 sts, Work in k2, p2 ribbing for 2.5 inches, increasing 8 sts on last row.
Establish cable pattern on 62 sts, and work up sleeve, increasing one stitch on each side every 6th row. When the increases allow, incorporate the cable pattern into the new stitches.
Work until 104 stitches on needle, work even until 17 inches from start.
Raglan shaping: Cast off 8 stitches at start of next two rows, Work decreases same at back and front, every right side row, inside the framing 4 stitches.
Work this raglan, until Length of sleeve matches the front length (1 inch shorter than back). Cast off 3 at start of right side row, continue in raglan pattern on the left edge through to end. Next right side: cast off 2 at start. Next right side: cast off 2. Last right side, cast off rest.
Left sleeve, work same to 1 inch below back length: Working from the WRONG SIDE: cast off 3, then 2, then 2, then bind off all, while working the regular raglan shaping on the right side only at the right edge.
Neck Ribbing: Sew all the raglan seams except ONE at the back shoulder. (or sew all and use small length circulars to do the neck ribbing)
Pick up approx. 100 sts around the neck edge. Work in k2, p2 ribbing for 1.5 inches – OR you could continue up into a mock turtle or full turtle neck here!)
Sew last raglan seam.
Sew sleeve and side seams.
Wet in cold water, and lie flat shaping gently to air dry.