I have been neglectful of you lately... I have had so many distractions, what with the wedding plans and dresses, and visitors every weekend, and a bridal shower to throw... I know that my blogs have been pushed to the back-burner. My knitting posse have been my main support group through all this
chaos, and I thank them for it! My dear Lois reminded me that the rose
hoody had not been photographed and posted to the blog, and I put it to the top of the list and stitched the zipper and wrote the pattern and took the photos.... and here it is! Thanks Lois for the loving push!

Rosy Hoody – now in six sizes!
Yarn: 7 balls of Berroco Lustra (100gms-180m)
Needles: 4.0mm (US
6), 4.5mm (US 7)
2 large and several small markers
Zipper: 45 cm(18 inches)
Separating Zipper.... optional... you could use buttons and place button
holes or loops opposite.
Gauge: 21 sts = 4
inches on 4.5mm needles in seed stitch ribbing test swatch*** after washing and
lying to dry*** please do this to ensure size will be correct****
Finished size : 34[36,38,42,46,50] inches at the chest
Seed Stitch Ribbing: Row one:
purl to marker, k1, p1, k1, p1, k1, p1, k1, p1, [Purl 4,
k1,p1,k1,p1,k1,p1,k1,p1,] repeat in brackets until marker, purl to end
Row two: knit to
marker, [k1, p1, k1, p1, k1, p1, k1, p1, Knit 4] repeat in brackets until last marker, knit to
This creates vertical bands of four stitch reverse-stocking
stitch, and eight stitch seed stitch.
BACK: With smaller
needles cast on 80[86,92,102,112,122]sts.
Work in K1, P1 ribbing for 1.5 inches.
On the last row (wrong side) increase 8 stitches evenly across the
ribbing. You have 88[94,100,110,120,130] sts on your needle.
Change to 4.5 mm needles.
Establish seed rib pattern...ROW ONE:
Purl 4[7,4,3,8,7] place large
marker, seed stitch (k1,p1,repeat) across next 8 stitches, Purl 4, seed stitch
across 8, repeat the purl stitches and seed stitches until 4[7,4,3,8,7] are
left, place large marker, and finish with purl sts to end.
ROW TWO: knit the outer
band stitches(outside the markers) , seed stitch the 8 stitch bands, and knit
the 4 stitch bands. (placing small markers
between the patterns can help until you get established.)
Repeat the two rows of seed stitch ribbing until body
measures 14[15,15,16,16,17] inches from the start.
Underarm shaping: bind off 4 stitches at the start of next
two rows.
Continue in the ribbing pattern as established, until the
back is 22[23,23,24,25,26]inches. Bind
off all stitches.
Right Front:
Cast on 37[41,45,47,53,57]sts. Work ribbing with smaller needles for 1.5
inches, increasing 3 in last row. You have 40[44,48,50.56.60] sts on your
needle. Change to larger needles and establish the
pattern: Seed stitch first 8 stitches,
[seed stitch 8, purl 4] repeat until 8[0,4,6,0,4], place large marker if you
have any stitches left, then purl to end.
Work in established seed stitch ribbing for 14[15,15,16,16,17]
inches. Bind of 4 on the next WRONG side
row, (armhole shaping), then work even until front measures 19[20,20,21,21,22] inches. With right side facing, bind off 8 stitches(neck
edge). Working in pattern, bind of one
stitch at neck side 3[3,3,4,4,5] times more.
Work even until 22[23,23,24,25,26] inches long, then bind off all
Left Front: Cast on 37[41,45,47,53,57]
sts, rib for 1.5 inches, and increase 3 in last row. You have
40[44,48,50,56,60] Change to large needles and establish the pattern: purl 8[0,4,6,0,4]sts. Use large marker if you have sts on your
needle, Seed stitch 8 [purl 4, seed stitch 8] repeat across... (seed band will be at left edge on this
side). Work established pattern for
14[15,15,16,16,17] inches * end with right side facing you. Bind of 4 sts at the start of next row (for
armhole shaping). Work even until 19[20,20,21,21,22] inches, then start
neckline with wrong side facing. Bind
off 8 (neck side only) . keep in pattern, bind of one stitch at neck side
3[3,3,4,4,5] times more. Work even until
22[23,23,24,25,26] inches from start. Bind off all stitches.
Sleeves: With smaller
needles, cast on 40[43,45,48,51,54]sts.
Work k1,p1 ribbing for 2 inches, and increase 6[5,5,6,5,6]sts across the
last row. You have 46[48,50,54,56,60] stitches on your needle.
Change to larger needles, start the pattern: Purl 7[8,9,11,12,14], place marker, seed
stitch 8, purl 4, seed stitch 8, purl 4, seed stitch 8, place marker, purl
7[8,9,11,12,14]. There will be three bands of seed stitch running up the
sleeve, and everything else will be reverse-stocking stitch (purls facing right
Working in this pattern, and adding new stitches as reverse
stocking stitches: Increase one stitch
at each side on every sixth row. Keep
increasing until there are 80[82,84,84,92,94] stitches and the piece is 16[17,18,18,19,19]
inches from start. Bind off all
stitches. (make another sleeve).
Assemble the back to the fronts at the shoulder seam. Pick up for the hoody: 22 stitches picked up from the right front
neck, 34 across the back neck edge, and 22 down the left front neck.
Establish the pattern:
Work all stitches in seed stitch for 6 rows. Then (with back of the
cardigan facing you ) seed stitch 8, knit 27[27,28,29,29,30] seed stitch 8
(center of hood) knit 27[27,28,29,29,30], seed stitch 8 (edge of hood)
Work the seed stitch bands and Stocking Stitch bands as
established for an inch. Increase
row: seed stitch 8, knit across to
center band, increase ONE in the stitch BEFORE the band and ONE in the stitch
AFTER the band, work to end. Repeat this
increase row every inch for 5
inches. When the hood measures 7[7,8,8,9,9]
inches start decrease row: work to two stitches before the center band, knit
these two together, work band, knit next two together, work to end. Do this row EVERY fourth right side row 5 more times. Work a wrong side, then cast off all the
stitches up to the center band. Put
these 8 on a holder, and with new yarn, cast off the rest of the stitches on
the other side. Working ONLY the 8 seed
stitches, continue in pattern until this section is 6[6,6,6.5,6.5,6.5] inches
long. Cast off all 8 stitches.
Sewing hood: The
small band is attached to the cast off edges to close the hood (see last photo)
Sew sweater: Insert the sleeve into the armhole space, then
sew the underarm and side seams.
Hand sew the zipper to the inside edge. Do not stretch front
seam as you sew. OR attach buttons on
one side and crochet loops on opposite side.