I found
Rowan Summer Tweed at an amazing 50% off! The only downside was they only had one or two balls of each colour, so I had to jump in and choose some colours I like, and design a pattern to show them off! I picked one skein of each of 5 colours, and 2 skeins of the one I will use to edge the vest (main colour).
Yarns: Rowan Summer Tweed, 2 skeins of Red(Orient), One each of Rust(Torrid), Mauve(blueberry), Pink(Angel), Burgundy(Smoulder) and Denim(Denim).(or any combo' that strikes your fancy!) 50 gm skeins/108 m
Needles, 5.0 mm straights, and 4.5mm circular for finishing.
Notions, 6 buttons (multi-colour?)
Gauge: 16 sts and 23 rows = 4 inches
Finished measurements: 37 inch chest, length 23 inches from shoulder.
Seed stitch: row 1[K1, P1 ] repeat across row. row 2: P the K sts, K the P sts. Repeat these 2 rows.

Back: With 5.0 mm needles, and Red, cast on 68 sts, and work for 6 rows in seed stitch.
Change to Denim, and working in stocking stitch (K right side , P wrong side) work 20 rows.
work 6 rows Pink, then 16 rows Mauve, then 4 rows Burg, then 22 rows Red, then 4 rows Pink, then 14 rows Rust, then 10 rows Denim.
Armhole shaping: Change to Burg, Cast off 6 sts at start of next 2 rows, then 2 at start of next 2 rows, then one each side (50sts). Continue without decreasing until 20 rows of Burg (since start of this block of burg). Then 2 rows Mauve, 8 rows Rust, 4 rows red, and finally 14 rows mauve.
Shoulder: Cast off 12 sts at start of next 2 rows, put remaining sts on a holder and set aside...
Front left: With Red, and 5.0 mm needles cast on 32 sts. Work 6 rows in seed stitch, then change to Denim and stocking stitch. Work same sequence of colours as back, and end with Denim at the armhole shaping.
With Burg, Cast off 6 at start of next row, work return row even, then 2 off the start of next row, and return row even, then one more off. Continue Burg until 20 rows done, then 2 rows Mauve, and 8 rows Rust. *I changed the colour sequence here so the shoulder top would be 2 different colours at join*. Work 2 rows Pink, then 2 rows Red, then begin neck edge...
With Red work to center edge, then cast off 5 at neck edge, work even on return row, then cast off 2 at neck edge twice , and then 1at neck edge twice.(12 left). Work even until 16 Red rows from start of that block, then cast off remaining 12 sts of shoulder.
Right front: Copy left front, but reverse the shaping and copy the colour sequence.
Sew up the shoulder seams. With straight needles, pick up 14 sts across right neck, then sts from the back holder, then 14 sts down the left front.
Working in stocking stitch, work the colours as follows: 12 Red, 4 Burg, 8 Pink, 2 Denim, 16 Mauve, 6 Rust, 4 Burg, and 24 rows Red to finish, Bind off all sts.
Sew hood: Fold in half and stitch together with Red yarn.
Finishing: With circular needles and Red yarn; Pick up 75 sts up right front edge, 75 over hood, at edge, to other side, then 75 down left front edge. Work in seed stitch for 5 rows, and cast off 6th row.
If you would like buttons, place button holes as follows; on row 2 (right side) seed st 4, [yarn over, K2 together, seed 12 sts] five times, Yarn over, K2together once more, then seed stitch remaining hood and left side. Next row seed stitch , knitting or purling into the yarn overs to resume seed stitch. Complete remaining rows as above.
Armholes: With circular needles, (and Red) Pick up 50 sts around arm and seed stitch for 5 rows, cast off the 6th row.

Sew side seams. Sew buttons to left side of vest opposite button holes.
Ta da