Yarn: Colinette Art, 5 skeins (100 grams - 173 meters)
Gauge: 17 sts and 26 rows = 4 inches in stocking stitch
Size: Roomy 44 inch chest.
Needles: 4.0mm (US 6) circular needles required for front bands so I use them for every piece.
Stocking stitch : right side Knit. Wrong side Purl.
Seed stitch: row 1: k1, p1 repeat across row. row2: knit the purls, purl the knits.
Back: Cast on 85 sts. Work in seed stitch for 2 inches. On last row increase 9 stitches evenly across the row. Change to stocking stitch, and work until 16 " from start.
Raglan shaping: Cast off 8 sts at the start of next two rows.
** decrease row**Knit 2, knit 2 together, knit to last 4 sts, knit 2 together, knit 2**
use decrease row every 2nd row 22 times. Then every 4th row 5 times.
Cast off remaining 24 sts.
Left Front: cast on 43 sts. Work in seed stitch for 2 inches, increasing 4 sts across the last row. Change to stocking stitch, and work even until 16 inches from start. Cast off 8 at the start of next right side row. (underarm side). Start decreases on that side only by the knit 2, knit2 together method every 2nd row for 22 repeats, then every 4th row, 5 times. ***ALSO at the same time decrease one stitch at the neck edge, every 6th row 11 times. (the neck edge decrease should be done by knit 2 together at the edge.) Continue both decrease edges, until 10 sts are left, and the piece should be about one inch shorter than the back. Cast off 10 sts.
Right side: same as left, but reverse the decrease shaping to mirror the left side.
Sleeves: Cast on 33 sts. Work in seed stitch for 3 inches. Increase 5 sts across the last row. Change to stocking stitch and shape the sleeve by increasing one stitch each end every 6th row 13 times (64 sts on needle). Work even until sleeve is 18 inches long (or chosen length to underarm).
Cap shaping: Cast off 8 sts each side. Then using the Decrease Row method, decrease one each side every 2nd row 10 times, then every 4th row 9 times. Right sleeve (right side facing) cast off 4 sts, knit to end. Purl next row. Cast off 4 sts. [left sleeve, (wrong side facing) cast off 4 sts, purl to end. knit next row, cast off 4 sts.]
Sew raglan seams. Bands: Pick up 120 sts on right side front (up to neck edge only) Work in seed stitch for front band, about 1.5 inches. Place button holes evenly spaced along the lower part of band only [I put three]. Cast off loosely. Do the same for the left side band, without buttonholes.
Collar. pick up 70 sts from the neck edge including the top of the front bands. Work in seed stitch for 4 inches, then do 5 rows of stocking stitch before casting off loosely. This last bit will roll into a nice edge for the collar.