No blogging for a few days, and time for an update. First, it was a long weekend here in Ontario, and we celebrate by getting outside and enjoying the amazing, hot, summer days. Rick and I chose to participate in our Club Championships at our golf club. It is three days of intense competition, with 5 hour rounds and cheering beer drinkers on the patio to welcome you at the 18th green. I played for the first time in the Ladies Senior Open category, as I am a freshly minted senior golfer (50 and over). Being the rookie, I had only expectations to compete at a respectable level and not blow up and run crying from the course. I was playing with some pleasant ladies, all but one were familiar to me, and all welcomed the newbie to the group. I played a steady 87 on the first day and lead the field by 2, then 88 on the second day and lead by 5! No one was more surprised than me. It felt comfortable and easy, and I totally enjoyed the long hot days with these gals. The last day, I suddenly felt the nerves. I imagined hitting the ball three times into the pond on seven, and losing the ball in the woods on thirteen and not successfully clearing the creek on sixteen. All of these scenarios could lead to the choke of the century, but no, I played a bit shaky but steady and won by 6 strokes! The win has me representing my club at the district Championship in September...
Of course the long golf days left little time for knitting, but I did whip up a Colinette Tagliatelli Coat over the last week and I am just finishing up the sewing of ends and the buttons, and will likely post the pattern in a day or two, now that my golf glory high is coming down....