Original patterns, comments and works in progress, all from Chris' knitted world.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Laundry, Cleaning and Knitting
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Noro Silk Garden Basketweave Sweater

Sunday, September 13, 2009
Cashmerino Hoody Scarf and Mittens
Cable left: (worked on 6 stitches) with cable needle pick up first 3 stitches and hold in front of work, with regular needles, knit next three stitches, then knit the stiches from the cable needle- you have a twist to the left.
Repeat these 8 rows until you have the length of scarf you prefer. Mine is 8 feet long.
Bind off all stitches.
Hood (optional). Find the center of the scarf (about four feet) and mark it. Measure 9 inches to each side and mark that. On the 18 inches section with right side facing you, Pick up 70 stitches (about one every 2 rows of the garter edging), Work out from there with 6 stitches of garter stitch at each edge, and the middle in double moss stitch. Place a marker at the center of the moss stitch. Work even in established pattern for 2 inches, then start shaping: decrease one stitch on EACH side on CENTER TWO STITCHES (keep carrying the marker). Do the decrease on every right side row until the cast off row. At the same time, when you have worked 4 inches from the start, cast off 6 stitches at the start of the next 4 rows (outside edges). Last row: [K2 together] repeat across the whole hood. Cast off all remaining stitches. Sew up back of head seam.
Mittens. Right Mitt: With double point needles, cast on 36 and join. Work in a k2, p2 ribbing for 3 inches, increase 4 stitches on the last row.
Establish pattern: P1, K6 ,P1, [k2,p2, k2, p2, k2] P1, K6, P1, *place a marker*, K14.Working in the round, start the pattern as for the scarf, with the K6 sections becoming 8row cables and the 10 stitch [brackets] becoming the double moss stitch.
At the same time when the Pattern Part is one inch along, start thumb. In the stitch after the marker, increase one stitch before and after this stitch. Work one row even, then increase one stitch after the marker, knit 3, increase one more stitch and work rest of row. Work one row even. Next row, increase one stitch after the marker, knit 5, increase one more, finish row. Continue to work one row even, and one row with increases, until you have 13 thumb increases done. Next row, place those 13 thumb stitches on a holder and pull in front of work. Cast on one stitch, and continue around the mitten on 40 stitches again as you started, keep working the cable moss pattern on the back of the hand. Work like this until one inch short of desired length or about 6 inches of pattern above the ribbing.
Decrease row: decrease one stitch at each side of the cables (4 decreased each row) for four rows. Knit 2 together across the last row, and without casting off, break yarn and thread through all remaining stitches, pull tight and sew to secure.
Thumb: Pick up the 13 stitches from holder, and put on two of the double points. With the third, pick up 5 more stitches across the top of the thumb hole and join in a circle. Knit every row for 3 inches, then k2 together around, and break yarn, threading it through remaining stitches. Gather and secure to close the thumb.
Left Mitten: Make ribbing the same as right, start the pattern part the same, but place the marker BEFORE the P1 to the right of the first cable. Work the thumb on the stitch to the right of that marker, and continue in the same way as the right mitten.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Knitter's Fair Today!
I apologize for the delay with the scarf and mitten pattern, they are completed, but I have been so busy I have not had the hour it takes to type up and print the pattern with photos... Sunday should finally allow me that time... so see you tomorrow!
Monday, September 7, 2009
Long Weekend Summary