Needles: 3.0 mm (US 3) for ribbing, 3.5mm (US 4) for body
Gauge: 24 sts and 34 rows in stocking stitch.
Size: This fits 10-12 (38-40 inch chest), but in this yarn it would easily stretch to fit 44"
Seed Stitch over even number of stitches: row 1: k1, p1, repeated across, row 2: k1, p1 repeated (knit the purls and purl the knits).
Cable 4 right: place next 2 sts on cable needle, and put to back of work. Knit next 4 sts, then seed stitch 2(knit, Purl) from cable needle.
Cable 4 left: place next 4 sts on cable needle and hold to front of work, then seed stitch (knit, purl) next 2 sts, then knit 4 from cable needle.
Back: With smaller needles, cast on 108, and work in K2 P2 ribbing for 2.5 inches. On the last row of ribbing, increase 12 sts evenly spaced (120 sts).
Establish the pattern as follows: K8, [Seed Stitch next 8, K8] repeat brackets across to end.
Work as established, with stocking stitch band alternating with seed stitch band for 14 rows.
Row 15(right side): k4, Cable 4 left, seed stitch 4, cable 4 right [ cable 4 left, seed stitch 4, cable 4 right]- repeat bracket to last 4 sts, k4.
Row 16: Purl 4, seed stitch 2 [purl 4, seed stitch 4] to last 10 sts, purl 4, seed 2, purl 4.
Row 17: K4, seed stitch 2, cable 4 left, cable 4 right, [seed 4, cable 4 left, cable 4 right] repeat to last 6sts, seed stitch 2, k4.
Row 18: Purl 4, seed 4, purl 8, [seed stitch 8, Purl 8] repeat to last 8 sts, seed 4, purl 4.
Rows 19 - 32: work as established stocking stitch 4, seed stitch 4, stocking stitch 8, [seed stitch 8, stocking stitch 8] repeat to last 8 then seed stitch 4, stocking stitch 4.
Next 4 rows, move the cables back... Row 33: k4, seed 2, cable 4 right, [cable 4 left, seed 4, cable 4 right,] repeat to last 12 sts, then cable 4 left, seed 2, k4.
Row 34: p4, seed 2, [purl 4, seed 4] repeat to last 10 sts, p4, seed 2, purl 4.
Row 35: k4, cable 4 right, seed 4, [cable 4 left, cable 4 right, seed 4] repeat to 10 left. Cable 4 left, k4.
Row 36: p8, [seed 8, p8] repeat to end.
This gets you back to row one, and the honeycomb pattern is complete, and you repeat the whole lot, until 12 inches from start, or thereabouts, as long as you end at an 8 by 8 ribbing spot!
Continue up the back in plain 8 stocking stitch, 8 seed stitch ribbing, until 16 inches. Decrease 6 stitches at start of next two rows, then one more at start of next two, for armhole shaping. Work even in 8 by 8, until 9 inches of armhole have been worked. Cast off all stitches.
Front: Work same for back until neckline: when front is 22 inches total, work 33 sts, join a second ball of yarn and cast off next 40 sts, work 33 stitches on the right side of neck. Continue on both sides of square neckline until length is same as the back, then cast off both shoulders.
Sleeves: Cast on 50 sts with smaller needles, work in 2 x 2 ribbing for 3 inches, increasing 6 sts over the last row. With larger needles, K8, [seed8, k8] across row. Continue in established stocking stitch, seed stitch bands, increasing one at each side of sleeve every 6th row until 76 stitches have been worked. Keep the increases in stocking stitch. Continued even until 18 inches from start. Work sleeve cap: Cast off 3 stitches at start of next 14 rows, cast off 6 sts at start of next 4 rows, cast off last 10... done. Repeat for other sleeve.
Sew shoulder seams. With 3mm needles (short circulars or double points) pick up 96 around neckline and work in k2 p2 ribbing for one inch, then cast off all.

Sew shoulder seams, and then underarm and side seams. Finish all ends. Done.
****here is a photo of a readers version of this pattern! Thank you Java! Added Dec 2014.