I was well on my way to finishing the silk hoody, probably less than a week, when this came in the mail. Well, it called to me, I just had to make the first square to see how it looked, and to get a handle on the patterning. It looked so nice and felt so fuzzy and mohairy soft, that I thought, one more square, to see the next group of colours together... then just one more... then just one more....

So you can see how the detour happened and how I am in mohair heaven, instead of focused on finishing the silk (which is lovely, but it's not eye candy!). I looked up the project on Ravelry and read a few (too many to read all) of the entries and comments from fellow Quilt Wrap knitters. One wisely suggested sewing in the ends as you finish each block, and I took a half hour last night to do so for the 5 blocks done so far. I agree it is more managable to do it in small bits, rather than the massive job if all were left to the end.