I decided to work a diagonal stripe throughout the body, and 3 stripes on the sleeve. I have 10 balls and will hope to have enough for a crew neck pullover with long sleeves. Pattern will be posted here in a few days when I have finished. So far it seems light and cotton
y enough for summer evenings, and early golf games.

The second sweater is a simpler one, worked with only one yarn (above I have 4 balls on the go on each row). I started this one, before I finished the Noro, because I wanted an easy project for the long flights and airport waits involved in travelling to Hawaii. This one is a 100% silk, Tweed Seta from Ram Wools in blue. It knits on 3.75 mm needles, and enjoys a seed stitch, stocking stitch checkerboard pattern, ver
y easy to knit, and adds texture to the already tweedy yarn. I finished the back on the flight to Maui (over 10 hours of flying) and a quarter of the front on the way back (I slept a lot as it was a red-eye flight). This one is a vague plan, but I think it may end up as a hoody, with pouch, sweatshirt style sweater. It is very light weight, but very soft like a favourite old sweatshirt, and the colour will look fabulous with jeans. The pattern will develop as the knitting progresses, in a way it is like a carving or sculpture, the sweater it wants to be will make itself evident to me as I knit.... :)

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